in april 2019 i started the whole shebang, where i reviewed every girl/girl porn scene i could get my hands on that was released that month. when it was done i started further shebang, where i've been casually reviewing new girl/girl porn scenes as they are released. and now this third blog is for reviewing girl/girl porn made before 2019.
because i've been alive for a long time, and my natural inclination is to root around in the historical origins of whatever art form i take an interest in, i've already accumulated a collection of favorite work from the late 70s onward, but now i'll be going year by year starting in 1968 and writing about my favorite girl/girl scene from each year, essentially giving myself a crash course in porn history rather than just cherrypicking from whatever has happened to catch my attention. i'll continue to include runners-up if i feel like it, but around about the mid-90s trying to sample all the girl/girl produced in a year will become unfeasible, so i'll have to start sticking to my instincts rather than getting as complete a picture as possible.
regardless, my standards are the same as for new scenes: i like diversity, physical, racial, sexual, and otherwise; i like narrative whether fictional or documentary; i like ambitious, intelligent camera work, striking visuals, and inventive production; and i don't care too much about how genuine the sex is as long as the performances are committed.
some of my particular fetishes may bleed through here where i've tried to downplay them on the other blogs, but as ever i promise i'll never talk about how hard or wet i get; that is my business and not yours. not that anyone is reading this, i know; but doing it for my personal satisfaction is enough.
also, i use the industry term "girl/girl" rather than the consumer term "lesbian" because the vast majority of this work is aimed at straight men, not lesbians, and i respect queer identities too much to pretend like there's a lot of overlap. very occasionally a genuinely queer sensibility will break through, and i'm happy to notice it when it does.
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